Monday, June 4, 2012

The Why

 June 4, 2012

I’ve been talking about this adventure in Alaska for many months now so when I posted my first blog entry I felt like it didn’t need any explanation. Then when I went through my list of email contacts there were many people I haven’t seen or talked to in quite awhile that I thought would be interested in knowing what I was up to. So, I sent out a mass email and have heard from many, wondering what in the world I am up to. So, here is the explanation….

Oh dear, where do I begin?

Ok, my sister Gillian first told me about Yes Bay Lodge a few years ago after she and her husband Brad, and the whole Wade clan came here for a vacation. She sent me a link to the website and I was intrigued. I didn’t do anything with it then, but last summer or fall or so I started feeling like I needed an adventure. I checked out the website in more detail and clicked on their link for employment. They are very adamant in saying: “do not come here to work if you don’t enjoy long hours and days alone.” I read about the hiking trails and the floatplane adventures, and since I was already enamored with Alaska and the whole idea of wilderness, I thought this was the right adventure for me. After my trek across the country in 2008 I have found that I have a yearning for adventure. I lived off of savings for those three months though and that’s really something one can only do once in a lifetime. So, I’ve thought, what could I do work wise that could support me while I go on another adventure? I returned from my trip in August of 2008 right when the economy was falling apart. I had quit my job months before, and then couldn’t find employment when I got back. A friend suggested catering and told me to get in touch with Lisa at HotCakes. I did and she hired me, and I found that I really enjoyed it. This led to a job waiting tables in a restaurant and more catering work.

So, low and behold I’ve found this wonderful new skill that I can take with me anywhere! And that’s how I’ve ended up in Alaska on this working vacation/ adventure.

It’s beautiful here and I am enjoying myself in spite of the lack of hiking. I have been forbidden to hike alone because of the threat of bears. I get so tired of hearing about bears. I’d sure like to see some though. Oh, I suppose I will eventually, and maybe they will really be a threat. Somehow I doubt it. I will get to hike again too, but there’s really only one hike~ the one I did to McDonald Lake~ that can be done from the lodge. All others require transportation by boat or floatplane. I’ll get to go out on a fishing boat at some point as well. And, the floatplane ride to get here was an adventure in itself. In the meantime I am working out on a treadmill and doing yoga every day. There’s even some dumbbells in the workout room for my enjoyment : )  The view from the treadmill is amazing. However, it makes me want to go and hike the mountain on the other side of the river.

So far the work has been quite easy. I’m helping Nicky, the chef in the kitchen. She is wonderful to work with. Her father who owns and runs the place is a despot.

Oh, and one really funny thing is that everyone that I am working with is young enough to be my child. My roommate is only 20. There are fishing guides a good bit older, and I serve them dinner, but don’t work directly with them. I guess this is the sort of thing people do when they are young, and I am a young 49 ; )

Guests will begin arriving on Thursday this week. Things won’t be quite so laid back then. I will keep helping with prep in the kitchen as well as serve dinner to the guests. I’m looking forward to their arrival. My other favorite things (after hiking) is meeting new people. There will be a lot of that this summer.

Let the adventure begin!

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