Tuesday, August 28, 2012


In an email conversation with my friend Michael, he asks me this question: "When you are resting there in your truck, do you feel quite content, or are you thinking much of past or future or dreams you might have, or just relaxing and spacing out all over the place, or just plain all over the map? If you are totally content in the moment, I'll ask for a lesson in that."

  I sent him an answer to his question and he felt that I should post it, so here it is... a little personal insight:

When I am alone in my truck, camping, hiking, I am quite content. It's when I can really be in the moment. Right now, being in my room here at Vermejo, or when I'm home alone, I think too much. About things I need to do, lists I need to make, other people, etc. It's more difficult to just be. I end up eating my lunch in front of my computer, or talking on the phone while cleaning the house. When I'm out in the wilderness though, I'm focused on my surroundings, and just being in nature. I suppose it's my version of a spiritual experience. Not that I don't get carried away with thoughts because I still do sometimes, but it's different "out there." Monday evening being in my truck in the rain was beautiful. I just sat and watched the rain for awhile. Peaceful.

I'm finding it to be very easy to meditate here. Probably because I don't have other things... errands, chores, etc. to be doing, so it's easy to get settled in and focused.

When I am in the mountains I am engrossed with my hike and with my surroundings. I don't have to think about being present; I'm just there. The same thing happens when I connect with people. I become engrossed with the conversation, something "clicks" and I'm just there. I don't know how to explain it or how to do it. I wish I could do it in other everyday happenings and surroundings. Unfortunately I get bogged down in those everyday things. For some reason when I'm hiking and camping I just feel like I'm in my element and all is good in the world.

All is good in the world.... that makes me think about the "Life is Good" T-shirts and some words of wisdom from a friend. Do you know the ones I'm talking about? My friend Ken had one on one day when I was visiting, and I commented on liking it and what a good idea that guy had. Ken agreed with me, but stated that it should really say: "Life Is." That's all. Because life isn't always good for anybody. There's ups and downs for all of us. We'd all like to do things better or different at times, we experience painful situations, ill health, etc., so life isn't always good. It's not supposed to be. We live, we learn, we grow, we experience life in all it's diversity, and it just IS.

I like to think if I could always be in the mountains maybe I would find nirvana. I'm not sure though. That is heaven to me for sure, but I get bored so easily. Always looking for something....

Life Is~ Embrace it for all it's worth~


  1. Mel,
    If you are exploring "being" and general Buddhist existence you have to check out this guy..and I recommend starting from the beginning to the where and when he became enlightened: http://waynewirs.com/
    Actually, if you like his thoughts, he is camping in Navajo Lake State Park,NM, about 150 miles from you and might be worth a day trip.

  2. re life is good motto, I really connect to what is written on the tag of all their teeshirts [do what you like, like what you do]
